The Flax Growers Tale

A writer's discovery of family and self

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Research for dummies

As I dive head first into the second year of research for my book
I have stopped to ponder my position in life as a writer.
I have been researching for this book with no name for over a year.
The research began when my mother brought a binder to my house.
This binder was chock full of information about my ancestors.
A relative had begun the research in the eighties and now I had it in my hands.
I knew from my mother that my Great,Great,Great grandfather John May was the founder of Yoakum Texas.

Quite frankly I never thought twice about that aspect of my lineage. Maybe it is my age or the fact that I have one grown son and step son that made me wonder about who I am and where I come from and what my heritage means to me.

In the year of research I learned an unbelievable amount about the Irish race.
Of course I learned some valuable things about John May
but more importantly I learned that he and other immigrants from Ireland paved the way for all my cousins and relatives to live with little or no discrimination.
Sadly discrimination is something that he and other immigrants experienced the entire time they lived in the country they fondly referred to as "Amerikay"

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